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Skin Pigmentation: Facts, Causes, and Cure

Some skin deficiencies like melasma, freckles, acne marks, and freckles prevent the skin from being flawless.
Each of these skin conditions have different causes and treatments. Skin treatments around Singapore are
carefully planned, considering the skin type and condition of each patient. Below are some important details
about pigmentation that will help you further understand them and get the right treatment for your situation.

Discover more about Skin Pigmentation on this site.

Important Factors About Skin Pigmentation

Melanocytes are specialized cells in the body that produces natural pigments on the skin. It is also referred to
as melanin. The colour of your eyes, skin complexion, hair, and the membrane is determined by the amount of
melanin produced in the area. People who have little melanin are fair-skinned, while the ones with much more
melanin have a darker complexion. However, similar to most parts of the body, there can also be a disruption in
the melanin that the body produces, which can lead to pigmentation problems.

How Does Pigmentation Develop?

One of the skin’s layers of defence is pigmentation. When the skin senses external aggression, it produces an
excessive amount of melanin. This excess melanin is what protects the DNA cells by becoming a physical barrier
of protection. Below are more factors that cause pigmentation:


Few of the common inflammation that can cause brown spots to develop on the skin are psoriasis, eczema, and
acne. Inflammation can cause a temporary increase or decrease in the pigments because of the trauma that the
skin experiences. 

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are common with women during their pregnancy period. Hormones trigger melasma which
then develops tiny, dark patches.

Sun Damage

The sun’s natural UV rays can cause hyperpigmentation as we age. The same can happen with the UV rays in
tanning beds. The UVA radiation causes damage to melanocytes, which are the cells that are responsible for
producing a skin pigment called melanin. Collagen and other essential proteins we have in our skin get damaged
when the skin absorbs UV light. Sunspots, melasma, freckles, and solar lentigines are common pigmentation
disorders caused by UV rays.


We might not notice this, but some medicines can make the skin sensitive to the sun, which triggers melasma.
Common medications that make the skin sensitive are medicines for treating ovarian problems and thyroid.

Common Types Of Pigmentation

There are various types of pigmentation, and each has unique characteristics that require different methods of
treatment. The common types of skin pigmentation are:

Seborrheic Keratosis or Pigmentation Burns

Seborrheic keratosis is pigmentation on the skin that can be cancerous. It usually has a round or oval appearance
that can range in the colours light tan to black.


Melasma has a symmetrical and brownish spot appearance on the face. It is common in women and people who
have darker skin complexion. Melasma can develop because of factors such as:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Sun exposure
  3. Hormonal Imbalances


Freckles are brown, flat circle spots that usually multiply and develop due to excessive sun exposure. They can sometimes appear reddish, brown, tan, or black. The sun’s UV rays can make them darker, which is why freckles are more noticeable during summer. This type of skin pigmentation develops because of an increase of melanin and pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. 

Solar Lentigo

This skin pigmentation is similar to freckles but can appear larger and more defined. Freckles can develop into solar lentigo due to excessive sun exposure. Solar lentigos are harmless patches on the skin. The UV radiation causes the melanin to accumulate within the skin cells and lead to dark spots. Solar lentigines can usually develop on the face or back of the hands.

Hori’s Nevus

Also known as Acquired Bilateral Nevus of Ota-Like Mabules (ABNOM). Hori’s nevus is a skin condition usually seen in Asian Chinese skin type. It appears as a bluish-grey flat hyperpigmentation on the cheeks. This type of pigmentation can also develop on the nose, forehead, and eyelids.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

PIH or Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation can develop after a skin infection, inflammation, or injury. It can be temporary lasting about a few months, or it can become permanent and may need special treatment to get rid of it.

Pigmentation on the Face

Dark patches that develop in the face produce more melanin, unlike the rest of the skin. They can range from light to dark brown, and they vary in sizes. PIH, solar lentigos, freckles, and melasma are common types of pigmentation. 

Is pigmentation on the face curable?

Yes! Spots that develop on the face don’t usually require treatment, but most people want them removed for cosmetic reasons. Doctors can recommend various types of products such as topical creams and medical procedures as an effective solution to treating those skin pigmentations. Consult with a medical professional to inspect your skin pigmentation. Factors to be considered are the type of pigmentation you have, the size, and the area of the body where the pigmentation is present. 

Pigmentation on the face is possible to get rid of through medical procedures such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser treatments. Pigmentation can also develop on the lips. They don’t usually pose as any major concerns, but they can be a sign of underlying conditions.

Lip Pigmentation

As stated above, pigmentation can also develop on the lips. They can come in the form of raised moles, dark marks, and dark patches which should be checked by a medical professional. 

Factors that cause dark spots on lips

Several factors can cause lip pigmentation and discolouration. Here are the common ones:

  • Sunspots - this type of pigmentation can appear in a different colour from the skin, whether dry, flat or raised. This happens in areas that had too much sun exposure.
  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Vitamin B12 is essential to keep the skin tone even. It contains cobalt which helps produce healthy red blood cells that supply sufficient oxygen throughout the body for optimal function. Vitamin B12 interacts with vitamins A, B, and C to encourage collagen production, maintain healthy skin, target blotchy skin, and regulate melanin production.
  • Allergic Reaction - Pigmentation on the lips that are caused by allergies or pigmented contact cheilitis may be responsible. Face makeup, lipsticks, green tea, and hair dye are common products that cause cheilitis. One should immediately stop using products when you start to notice an allergic reaction from them.
  • Excess Iron - Too much iron can cause hemochromatosis. This happens when the body stores too much iron. This occurrence develops a discolouration on the lips and can appear as dark or brown spots.
  • Angiokeratoma - These are skin lesions that appear as dark spots in colours dark red or black. This usually develops in older adults. Angiokeratoma is harmless but is advisable to be inspected to make sure that it is not cancerous.

How to get rid of lip pigmentation?

Before heading on with trying treatments for removing lip pigmentation, it is best to consult a professional to determine what kind of lip pigmentation you have and what treatment will work best for you. 

There are home remedies such as lemon juice, yogurt, honey, and apple cider vinegar that can help improve the condition of the pigmentation. Having a healthier lifestyle can also help in reducing the appearance of the pigmentation. For a much more severe case of lip pigmentation, specialists may recommend cosmetic treatments such as laser treatments and topical creams.

How To Diagnose A Pigmentation?

A skin expert can easily diagnose pigmentation by inspecting it and taking a small sample of skin for examination. They will inform you of what kind of skin pigmentation you are dealing with. Your medical history will also be considered to help determine what caused the pigmentation to develop on your skin. The specialist may prescribe a microscopic examination, skin biopsy, or microbiological culture to examine the pigmentation further. After the diagnosis, your doctor will create a customized treatment plan that will be most effective for your situation.

How To Treat Pigmentation?

Most people will want to get rid of their pigmentation, even if they are harmless. Fortunately, various treatment options can effectively treat hyperpigmentation.

Professional Chemical Peels

These types of chemical peels are done in a clinic by a professional. Aesthetic clinics offer chemical peel that contains active ingredients that can effectively reduce pigmentation through deep penetration in the skin. The chemical removes the outer layers of the skin, which then signals the body to start its natural healing process and produce collagen to even out the skin tone and texture. 

Laser Treatments

This is a more advanced skin treatment that targets the deeper layers of the skin. Laser treatments use laser energy to target dark spots and break pigmentation into smaller pieces. There are different types of laser treatments, and each has a different wavelength, laser energy, and pulse duration.

Lutronic PicoPlus Laser

It targets deep acne scars and pigmentation. Lutronic PicoPlus is a non-ablative laser treatment that delivers picosecond pulses to break down pigmented spots into fragments. This treatment encourages collagen production that makes your skin more youthful-looking and rejuvenated.

Ruvy Touch PicoPlus Laser

Ruvy touch has a safer wavelength that helps blood vessels remain intact even after the treatment. This reduces the risks of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This laser treatment delivers laser energy through picosecond pulses.

Pro Yellow Laser

Pro Yellow Laser uses a 577nm that offers 40% higher absorption to treat blood vessels. This thickens the blood found in the vessels to lessen the blistering and bruising that can occur in other laser treatments. This laser treatment works best for solar lentigines, melasma and vascular lesions like post-acne redness and rosacea.


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